The CAN Blog
Bloggers from a variety of faith traditions are welcome to apply to write for the CAN blog. Please send a sample blog posting to
CAN also has an aggregate blog from others who are writing about disabilities and faith. If you or your organization has your own blog that you would like to share with a wider audience, send your feed address for review to You are also welcome to suggest additional feeds to be added to that page.
Handle with Care
Handle with Care The breakfast devotional on child abuse reminded me about the vulnerability of children in our present society. Although that author's statistics were from the 1980s, the situation is worse today. The National Children's Alliance reports...
Communication of Needs
Communication of Needs It was December 2016. I lay in a hospital bed in the intensive care unit of a large medical center, a four-hour drive from my new home. But it didn't take me four hours to get there. Less than three weeks after moving to our new...
Cycles of Dying and Renewal
"I am happy to be here." That sentence, uttered often from my lips in the past weeks and months, is more than just a cliche. This past December, I was very close to death after a major heart attack followed by complications of heart arrhythmias. After a week at my...
Disability and Theology
This week, I am attending the Summer Institute on Theology and Disability held this year in Holland, Michigan. Dozens of persons have gathered from across North America and around the world. Some might wonder what disabilities have to do with theology. The word,...
Is your congregation welcoming?
Is your congregation welcoming to persons with disabilities? How do you know? These are the two fundamental questions addressed by the Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN). Persons with disabilities, their family members, and their advocates tend to have one...
2016 Accessibility Summit
The Annual Disabilities Summit will be held on April 15-16, 2016 at McLean Bible Church near Washington, DC. CAN plans to be present as an exhibitor. For more information, see their website, send an email to, or call...

Living with Autism
Living with autism affects Tony's ability to communicate and interact socially. Yet Tony is a deacon in his congregation, one who helps prepare for and serve communion. Tony was named a deacon because of his gifts of helpfulness, discernment, and encouragement. How...

Becoming a Chaplain
Devon is following a calling to become a chaplain. He now has a seminary degree and further training. How is your congregation encouraging the gifts of all of its members, including those with physical and developmental disabilities?

Piano by Ear and Braille Bible
Jolene plays the piano by ear for First Church and also reads the scripture from her Braille Bible. How does your congregation create safe space so that persons who are blind can share their gifts?

Assistive Listening Devices
Christine tests out one of the Assistive Listening Devices that her congregation provides for those who are hard of hearing. How does your congregation assist everyone in hearing the worship services?