Living with Autism

Living with Autism

Living with autism affects Tony’s ability to communicate and interact socially. Yet Tony is a deacon in his congregation, one who helps prepare for and serve communion. Tony was named a deacon because of his gifts of helpfulness, discernment, and encouragement....
Becoming a Chaplain

Becoming a Chaplain

Devon is following a calling to become a chaplain. He now has a seminary degree and further training. How is your congregation encouraging the gifts of all of its members, including those with physical and developmental disabilities?
Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices

Christine tests out one of the Assistive Listening Devices that her congregation provides for those who are hard of hearing.  How does your congregation assist everyone in hearing the worship services?
National Alliance on Mental Illness

National Alliance on Mental Illness

Margaret and Kristen celebrate their friendship while participating a fundraising walk for National Alliance on Mental Illness. How does your congregation support friendship and connection with members who live with serious mental illness?