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Regional Faith Networks | Congregational Accessibility Network

Regional Faith Networks

Regional networks are an important source of information, encouragement and support for faith communities that truly want to become inclusive of persons with disabilities.  Below is a list of such networks that we are aware of.  Please let us know if you would like your network listed here.

Community and Congregational Supports Program, New Jersey
A program of the Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities affiliated with the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.

Faith Inclusion NetworkFaith Inclusion Network (FIN) of South Hampton Roads, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
FIN is a network of faith congregations in the Norfolk area started by Karen Jackson. Their goal is to connect people with disabilities and their families to faith communities that are welcoming and genuinely want to include everyone. They also want to help faith communities become more inclusive by connecting them with resources and providing networking opportunities at conferences and meetings throughout the year.

Faith for AllFaith for ALL, Nashville, Tennessee, USA Faith for ALL is a non-denominational organization with a goal of accelerating congregational accessibility so people with disabilities and their families can have deeper access into the community life of a congregation. Thomas Boehm, founder of Faith for ALL, has master’s degrees in both counseling and divinity and has extensive experience in both Jewish and Christian community life of the Nashville area.

Nathaniel's hopeNathaniel’s Hope, Orlando, Florida, USA Dedicated to sharing hope, encouragement and practical assistance to kids with special needs (VIP kids) and their families.




LivabilityLiveability, United Kingdom, delivers disability services, community projects, education and training resources that promote inclusion and wellbeing. They also share expertise internationally, and are an enabling network of people, tackling barriers in society to make community livable.

Mind & SoulMind and Soul, United Kingdom, In many churches and health-care settings Christianity and mental health are kept deliberately separate. Mental health is rarely discussed in our churches and Christian spirituality is seen as having little to offer the world of psychology. Mind and Soul seeks to bridge this gap and provide a place of integration for orthodox Christianity and high quality psychology and psychiatry.

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Contact CAN

Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN)
1840 Homewood Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701-3935
(574) 383-9398