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Chemicals | Congregational Accessibility Network

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a controversial topic.  Some persons see the management of our exposure to chemicals as a critical issue of 21st century society.  Others do not recognize MCS as an organic diagnosable illness. See this introductory article on MCS with links to many of the key views on this topic.

However, the bottom line for those persons who are chemically sensitive is that many houses of worship are unpleasant and even dangerous places to visit.  The use of incense or other fragrances in worship affects some persons adversely.  Others cannot sit next to someone who has used perfume, cologne, or other personal body fragrances.  Others are affected by the chemicals used in cleaning the church building or those which make our carpets stain resistant.  The following are some representative statements and resources for addressing chemical sensitivity as an accessibility issue in faith congregations.

Christian Responses to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America guidelines for accessible meetings.

“How the Church Can Help the Chemically Sensitive” article from Christian Century magazine.

“Colognes, Chemicals, Compassion and the Church”

Aroma of Christ Ministry is a conservative Christian ministry begun by a woman who was chemically injured.

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Contact CAN

Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN)
1840 Homewood Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701-3935
(574) 383-9398

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is a controversial topic.  Some persons see the management of our exposure to chemicals as a critical issue of 21st century society.  Others do not recognize MCS as an organic diagnosable illness. See this introductory article on MCS with links to many of the key views on this topic.

However, the bottom line for those persons who are chemically sensitive is that many houses of worship are unpleasant and even dangerous places to visit.  The use of incense or other fragrances in worship affects some persons adversely.  Others cannot sit next to someone who has used perfume, cologne, or other personal body fragrances.  Others are affected by the chemicals used in cleaning the church building or those which make our carpets stain resistant.  The following are some representative statements and resources for addressing chemical sensitivity as an accessibility issue in faith congregations.

Christian Responses to Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America guidelines for accessible meetings.

“How the Church Can Help the Chemically Sensitive” article from Christian Century magazine.

“Colognes, Chemicals, Compassion and the Church”

Aroma of Christ Ministry is a conservative Christian ministry begun by a woman who was chemically injured.