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Autism | Congregational Accessibility Network


Autism is an increasingly common issue in communities of faith.  Issues of persons with autism being accepted or (more likely) rejected in faith communities have been reported in the secular press.


Following are some beginning resources on autism and faith communities.

Interdenominational and Interfaith Resources

Autism and FaithAutism and Faith: A Journey into Community.  This publication from the Elizabeth M. Boggs Center gives a multitude of stories and examples of how faith congregations are including persons with autism.  Available as a free PDF download or in paperback at minimal cost.


Denominational Resources

Anabaptist Disabilities Network has a number of good resources on autism.

Sensory sensitivity

Issues of sensory sensitivity, particularly of hyper-sensitivity are particularly common among persons with autism as well as other conditions such as ADHD and certain mental illnesses. See this article on creating a sensory room.

Autism and Your Church is an excellent resource for Christian churches of any denomination who want to include children and adults with autism. This book is now in its second edition (with a red cover) with new material added.Autism and Alleluias is a series of reflections by a mother of a child with autism as she encounters both the joys and challenges from the perspective of her Christian faith.

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Contact CAN

Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN)
1840 Homewood Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701-3935
(574) 383-9398