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Awareness | Congregational Accessibility Network

Awareness Resources

Supporting the inclusion of persons with disabilities in faith communities starts with an awareness of the issues.  This page is devoted to resources which help build awareness among people of faith about the gifts and the challenges of persons with disabilities and their families.  Your additional ideas and suggestions are welcomed.

Awareness Events

A special day, week, or month may help to build awareness of disabilities in your local faith community.  Sometimes days like a “Disabilities Sabbath” or “Mental Health Sunday” are sponsored by a regional or national body for a faith group.  Check with your conference, denominational, or association office or the disabilities advocacy ministry for your faith group.  See our Faith-based Advocacy page to find the office or ministry for your faith group.

Sometimes faith groups can create their own events built upon a week or month sponsored by a larger secular agency.  Below are some examples. Use a search engine to find the latest information on these events.  In the U.S., the National Health Information center lists all such events and their sponsoring groups on their National Health Observances page.

Library Resources

There are many resources on disabilities that can be placed in the library of your congregation or faith community.



  • Google Books allows you to preview or read for free a vast number of books.  This can be an excellent way to determine if you want to purchase a copy for your library.


  • Sometimes videos or previews of videos are available online.  Use a search engine to find these.  If you use a video directly from the Internet in a public setting, please check for any copyright or performance restrictions.
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Contact CAN

Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN)
1840 Homewood Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701-3935
(574) 383-9398