CAN Network
We hope that CAN is valuable enough to you that you will offer some yearly financial support as you are able. Special note: While the categories below refer to restricted content, most of those restrictions have not yet been put into effect. We want you to use the resources for your faith congregation and hope that you will find them valuable enough to contribute what you are able. If there ever are restricted services on the website that you would find valuable but unaffordable, please let us know! We will help provide a way!
There are three major categories of support for CAN with some sub-categories as well.
Subscriber – $10/year
The Subscriber level is primarily for individuals with casual interest who want to have basic privileges on the CAN website. Subscribers can log in to the CAN website, make comments on blogs, and have access to special content. $10/year
Supporter –$25/year and up
The Supporter level is primarily for individuals and families who want to support CAN with a yearly financial contribution. However, faith communities (churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, etc.) and organizations are also welcome to use this level.
Supporters start with the same privileges as Subscribers: their own login with the ability to comment on posts and view hidden content. Supporters also have full access to Congregational Accessibility Survey to use with their faith community.
The Supporter level has two higher sub-levels
Member –$250/year and up
The Member level is primarily for faith communities (churches, synagogues, mosques, temples, etc.) and organizations who want to support CAN with a yearly financial contribution from their community. However, individuals and families are also welcome to use this level.
Members start with the same privileges as Subscribers: their own login with the ability to comment on posts and view hidden content. Members also have the same privileges as Supporters, full access to the Congregational Accessibility Survey to use with their faith community. Members can also request special support services as they carry out the Study Process in their congregation.
The Member level has two higher sub-levels