Congregational Study Process
Step IV: Action
A. In light of the mission of your congregation, identify both strengths and weaknesses in the ministry of including persons with disabilities in your congregational life.
B. Explore how your strengths can be used to remedy the weaknesses.
C. Develop a list of actions needed to increase accessibility and move toward full inclusion.
D. Group the actions needed into the following categories:
1. Adjustments: Can be done soon within current congregational structure and budget.
2. Changes: Can be done within the next year or two if the congregation makes a modest commitment of time and funds.
3. Projects: Require a major commitment of time and/or funding from the congregation to do.
E. Develop your priorities in an action plan supported by congregational leadership:
1. Decide how to make the adjustments as soon as possible.
2. Present proposals for changes to the congregational leadership for action.
3. Present project ideas to the leadership and work together to rally support from the whole congregation.