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Questionnaire | Congregational Accessibility Network

Individual and Family Needs Questionnaire


The Individual and Family Needs Questionnaire is a tool that you can distribute to every household or family unit in your congregation. By distributing it to everyone, there is no stigma involved in who gets asked these questions.  The questions are designed to help persons express how well they think the congregation includes their household and other persons who attend congregational worship, education, and service activities.  There are various formats, some of which allow the individual congregation to customize the document according to their own needs.

The Individual and Family Needs Questionnaire (“Questionnaire”) is available in the following formats for downloading:

  • Portable Document Format (PDF) – This version is readable online with the Adobe Reader or other PDF reader and can also be easily printed.
  • MS Word Form Document – DOCX – suitable for either printing or filling out a single questionnaire in MS Word.
  • MS Word Form Document Template – With this format, you can provide multiple copies of the Questionnaire Form Document in MS Word (2007 and above).  Each time the template is open a new document will be started and must be given a name in order to save it to a file.
  • MS Word Document – DOCX – Fully editable to customize for your congregation.  Please give credit to CAN as the source.

Please let us know if you have any problems downloading these files.

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Contact CAN

Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN)
1840 Homewood Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701-3935
(574) 383-9398