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Why CAN? | Congregational Accessibility Network

Why CAN?

Why should you support and participate in CAN?

everyoneCANAre you a person of faith? Is it important to you to welcome anyone who wishes to worship with you? CAN serves all faiths. We believe that everyone CAN be welcomed!

Do you live with significant disabilities? Can you participate in your chosen faith community? You can discover how to get started in a journey to help point your minister or other faith leader to the tools to help your congregation become a more accessible and inclusive community of faith. We believe that everyone CAN enter!

Do you have children or other family members with disabilities? You are likely concerned about how your faith can be passed on to those children with different learning styles. Where are the resources to help support your loved one? We believe that everyone CAN learn!

Have you stopped attending public worship? Is it just too difficult to manage the needs of your children? Is it too hard to absorb the sights, sounds, and smells of a large public gathering. CAN has a study process that helps discern and work at these and other hidden issues. We believe that everyone CAN worship!

Are you feeling isolated, alone, or on the fringes of a life of faith? Do you know others that feel this way? CAN helps you and your family come together with your community of faith. We believe that everyone CAN belong!

So let’s get started!

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Contact CAN

Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN)
1840 Homewood Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701-3935
(574) 383-9398