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CAN | Congregational Accessibility Network

Message from Erik Carter

Erik CarterPaul Leichty and the Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN) are endeavoring to do the work that matters most. Many congregations speak vividly of how they are strengthened by the presence, gifts, and friendships of people with disabilities and their families. Yet, barriers of awareness, attitude, architecture, and accessibility too often limit the participation and contributions of people with disabilities within the life of their faith community. CAN provides congregations with practical tools and guidance for becoming a place known for its welcome and hospitality. Whether your aim is to craft a new vision for inclusion, reflect on your congregation¹s accessibility, or build upon existing programs, the guidance offered by CAN will help you launch and sustain these efforts. I am convinced you will find CAN to be a compelling resource and partner as you undertake this important work.
Erik W. Carter
Associate Professor of Special Education, Vanderbilt University
Author of Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities

Introduction to CAN

CAN LogoCongregational Accessibility Network (CAN) is a network of individuals, families, faith groups, congregations, and organizations to promote accessibility and inclusion among congregations toward persons with any kind of disability. Disabilities include physical, cognitive, developmental, and emotional conditions which significantly affect mobility, learning, communication, socialization, and daily living patterns.

Learn about CAN

About CAN – Background
Mission & Goals
Your Congregation can participate!
CAN Introductory Sheet to distribute.
Accessibility & Inclusion – Introduction to the concepts

Congregations that complete the Congregation Accessibility Survey receive the customized CAN seal to place on their website.

Your questions, comments, and inquiries are welcomed.  Contact information is below.

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Contact CAN

Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN)
1840 Homewood Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701-3935
(574) 383-9398