Message from Erik Carter

Associate Professor of Special Education, Vanderbilt University
Author of Including People with Disabilities in Faith Communities
Introduction to CAN
Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN) is a network of individuals, families, faith groups, congregations, and organizations to promote accessibility and inclusion among congregations toward persons with any kind of disability. Disabilities include physical, cognitive, developmental, and emotional conditions which significantly affect mobility, learning, communication, socialization, and daily living patterns.
Learn about CAN
About CAN – Background
Mission & Goals
Your Congregation can participate!
CAN Introductory Sheet to distribute.
Accessibility & Inclusion – Introduction to the concepts
The Tools of CAN
Quick Checklist (A good place to start!)
Study Process overview
Individual and Family Needs Questionnaire
Congregational Assessment Survey
Congregations that complete the Congregation Accessibility Survey receive the customized CAN seal to place on their website.
Your questions, comments, and inquiries are welcomed. Contact information is below.