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Families | Congregational Accessibility Network

Families in the Network

Father and daughterThe Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN) exists to help faith congregations include persons with disabilities.

While many of our resources invite congregations to take the first step by becoming more accessible, individuals and families can take their own steps as they participate in their faith communities.

The ideas below will point out the resources you can use and suggest to your congregation.  As you browse through these pages, please let us know if there are specific resources that you are looking for or ways in which we CAN be of assistance in your faith journey!  Contact information is in the right column of every page.

Families of children with a disability can find information about support from a local Parents Training and Information Center (PTI). Each state has at least one center. This map can help you find the one in your state.

Resources from your Faith

Many faith traditions have their own networks and resources for including persons with disabilities and their families in the life and activities of their faith communities.  Find the resources that fit with your own faith tradition by exploring the Faith Communities section in the top menu.

Resource Center

Perhaps there is a particular issue or barrier in your congregation.  Visit the Resource Center to get some ideas for helping your faith community become more welcoming!

Quick Checklist

Get an initial assessment of how accessible your congregation is for persons with disabilities.  Get the Quick Checklist!

The Questionnaire

Sometimes, a congregation says they are accessible and want to be welcoming, but you as a family member just don’t feel welcomed. The Individual and Family Needs Questionnaire allows all congregational attendees to discover and share how well they and their families feel included–or not!

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Contact CAN

Congregational Accessibility Network (CAN)
1840 Homewood Ave.
Williamsport, PA 17701-3935
(574) 383-9398